Introducing a toolkit of five questions crafted to elevate your interview interaction and be poised with purpose.
By posing industry-specific questions, you demonstrate a solid understanding of the current trends, challenges, and opportunities within the sector.
Describe an outcome that your audience can expect from downloading your product.
Be the most prepared you can be for an Interview
The guide includes questions to help you determine if this role and organization are the right fit for you. It also demonstrates your ability to initiate a conversation - skills needed for your role.
Martha Gelnaw - Presence+Impact
Introduce yourself to your audience. Share your journey, and tell the story of how you became an expert in your field. Explain why you're so excited to share your knowledge, and what your biggest goals are. Don't forget to describe any challenges you had to face and how you overcame them.
Check out Five Great Questions to Ask in an Interview
Support your call to action with copy that highlights the unique value of your digital download, addresses pain points, and removes any barriers to downloading.
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