Dynamic Expression

Give Life to Your Intention

We gather for a 90- minute Live Lesson

(There is a Pre-Requisite: You must have completed Foundations for Leadership Communication Parts One & Two}

What if you could have a specific language that brings greater life to your communication?

We use Dynamic Expression to align our verbal and non-verbal communication.

When you are clear about your intention, so is your listener.

People are not looking for more information.
They already have much too much.


Does this sound like you?

Many clients tell me that what they intend and what actually takes place is different.

  • You have mastered the foundations and want to find continuous enhancement to your expression. (This is an advance course with a pre-requisite)

  • As a leader, you need to inspire and invite your listeners into a greater future.

  • You want to find your particular style, even if it’s subdued, and yet bring a greater depth & quality to your communication.

  • You'd like to capture and hold your audience's attention.

As a result of this course you’ll be able to:

Take away the tools to express your intention and inspire your audience

  • We use dynamic intentions to amplify your intention with the physical expression to create better understanding between you and your listeners.

  • Let's practice and experiment with distinctive applications to bring your communication situations alive.

  • Have fun learning these unique set of skills that gives you greater advantages and outcomes. You will be able to apply this to your communication quickly and easily. As a result, you capture and hold attention. You create greater meaning. You help people take right action.

  • After a client was able to shift his communication and his leadership with Dynamic Expression, he wanted me to work with other people in his firm to bring their communication alive with Dynamic Expression.

How this course is conducted...

  • This is a 90-minute Live Session.
    It is complete with active practices and applications.

  • You will receive access via a Zoom link at the appointed time

  • Bring a sentence or two of something that you typically deliver to your listeners/audience. You will use this text in the practices and applications.

  • It is upbeat and energetic. Not short on fun.

Things to Know Before You Enroll:

  • This advanced course carries a pre-requisite. You must complete Foundations + Physical Expression prior to taking this offering.

  • For this live lesson you are required to be present with your camera on.

  • Bring your current, real-time, live communication situations to work on in the lesson.

About Me

Martha Gelnaw

Hi there!

My name is Martha and I’m a communication coach based in New York City. Over my 20+ years coaching, I’ve found that I enjoy supporting people to get their messages and their voice heard – and acted upon. This way, they can make a contribution and enjoy their work with great comfort and ease.

Our work is to build trust in our understanding and to create confidence in our listener’s knowledge so that they will align and take right action. How we appeal to others and their values is crucial. It’s not transactional - it’s relational - relationships matter.

I offer coaching and courses that are well-suited to help leaders, emerging leaders, young professionals, students and women express themselves with a true and powerful presence aligned with their deepest values and desires.