What are Broadcast Messages?
How do we use positive messages to support our full and powerful presence.

Turns out that we have messages - mostly non-verbal - that we unconsciously give out.

A bit of anthropology

Through the ages, for survival reasons, women in patriarchal systems have had to learn to broadcast a message to their oppressors so that they'd leave them alone. 

For many women, the message has been: “I’m sorry,” which translates to “I’m not a threat”. 

We can choose to change our outer broadcast message.

Why Address Broadcast Messages?

What messages might we unconsciously send out that could get in the way of our full presence and potential.

A client of mine asked me to meet with her best friend for coffee. Her friend had been at the top of her industry, highly respected in her work, and then she took time off to care for an aging parent for several years. 

It was time to return to the workforce and her industry. 

She had set up so many interviews that went nowhere. She described it to me like this: 

“I’m pretty sure that I am projecting some unseen energy, hidden from me – however those I meet with are clearly perceiving it.”

I mentioned this to a friend who told me that this is called a “Broadcast Message.”  They are unconsciously sent out from us and could be getting in the way of our full presence and our full potential.

When devising a workshop series, called Women Leading with Grace, I included a part on our Broadcast Messages. Here we expand the learning.

Let’s take the moment to identify these non-verbal messages bringing the unseen into our consciousness. And we work on what it is that we can do instead. 

This is a learn by doing program that offers us the awareness and the skills to select the most advantageous Broadcast Message – the one we are proud to present to the world.

My Clients Tell Me

  • I have the feeling that others aren’t “getting” me or seeing who I really am.

  • I want to gain more respect for my hard work.

  • How can I best carry myself befitting my gifts, contribution and experience?

  • Help me to feel comfortable in my skin in all environments.

What to Expect

  • Understand what is a Broadcast Message.

  • Identify what might be getting in your way of maintaining the positive, non-verbal messages.

  • Find practices that bring you to your true self – even when under stress.

  • Embody undeniable confidence in all areas of your life.

  • Possess and project a more powerful presence in all situations.

The Women Leading with Grace Collection Also Includes

  • Amplify: Move to a More Powerful Vocal Presence

    Work on your Vocal Presence. What might get in the way of your powerful voice? Using text and exercises, we practice to produce a clear and powerful voice. One that gets and holds attention.

  • Communicating Boundaries

    What gets in the way of your strong “NO”?
    Learn about your survival strategies that get in the way of you setting boundaries. Find those adaptive strategies that serve you well.

Broadcast Messages

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What My Clients Say:

CEO, Research

Women Leading with Grace


The session was absolutely transformative.

The opportunity to share space, movement and breath with others was so impactful; understanding we have a kindred bond to connect with others, to share, to learn was amazing.

You helped bring out the best of our selves.

Other Women Leading with Grace Lessons in the Series

Pricing is for all three lessons of the series

Communicate Boundaries

Amplify: Move from a Diminished Voice to a More Powerful Vocal Presence

About Me

Martha Gelnaw

Hi there!

My name is Martha and I’m a communication coach based in New York City. Over my 20+ years coaching, I’ve found that I enjoy supporting people to get their messages and their voice heard – and acted upon. This way, they can make a contribution and enjoy their work with great comfort and ease.

Our work is to build trust in our understanding and to create confidence in our listener’s knowledge so that they will align and take right action. How we appeal to others and their values is crucial. It’s not transactional - it’s relational - relationships matter.

I offer coaching and courses that are well-suited to help leaders, emerging leaders, young professionals, students and women express themselves with a true and powerful presence aligned with their deepest values and desires.