Two Parts: Foundations + Physical Expression

Get this right and it builds alignment and buy-in, and helps to move people to take right action.

Do you often rely on details, data and status to persuade others?

When you think your data is better than another’s it becomes a data war and won’t build rapport and relationship with your audience.

This course helps you to differentiate you from others based upon your understanding of the needs of your audience.

  • Unique to this Course is the advantage of seeing not how you’d like to communicate with your audience – but how your audience prefers to be communicated with.

  • We identify their preferences for giving and receiving information. We learn about the role of Rapport. Further, we discern their core values so that we can best connect to be resonant and relevant to them.

  • PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE This is an active learn-by-doing approach

Does This Sound Like You

You must have immediate impact and results with your communication.

  • You assiduously work on your content for your presentations or interactions and yet it doesn’t have the intended effect on your listeners.

  • You believe that your content is air-tight though you are not gaining the buy-in you need.

  • You find it difficult to connect with certain audiences to build trust and rapport needed to deepen the relationship.

  • You are uncomfortable in your skin to assert yourself in certain interactions & presentations.

  • You are questioning your sanity with certain leaders or stakeholders – there seems no way out when interacting with them.

  • You have experience in communicating and presenting, and yet you'd like to sharpen your skills.

This Course is in Two Parts:
The What & The How

  • Foundations

    Let’s help you get this right. Gaining trust, rapport and deeper relationship will help you to build alignment, buy-in, and inspire people to take right action.

    Foundations provides you with structures and principles that create resonant and relevant content. It connects with your audience because you have built it around their preferences and values.

    The structures will have you organize and present the right amount of the right kind of insight and information. You gain greater clarity to your objective.

  • Physical Expression

    This offers you the elements, practices and principles that magnifies your presence, command and impact for a long-lasting positive impression. You gain ease, comfort and greater confidence when you are open, present and connected.

    Physical Expression includes focus on voice, stance, connection, gesture, posture, movement and facial expression. This is what people are drawn to and remember.
  • In Part 1 Foundations

    Please Note: Some of the work is standing on the shoulders of the brilliant Peter Rogen, a teacher of mine.

As a result of this course you’ll be able to:

  • Read and assess your audience; build rapport; understand their core values to become most resonant and relevant to them.

  • Ask better questions and listen at an ever deeper level.

  • Craft communications and presentations that create more meaning while using structures to cut down on your preparation time.

  • Use your body, face, and voice to express and amplify your presence and connection to your content and to your audience.

  • Find an undeniable presence that captures and holds the attention of your listeners.

My Clients Tell Me...

My clients tell me as a result of this work they are able to see the connection between how their content is believed and acted upon by others, particularly with diverse audiences – those different to you. 

They also tell me that by focusing on rapport, connection, and understanding core values that they have the greater advantage that gains buy-in, alignment, and maintains relationships with their stakeholders.

The ease and comfort they receive from the presence and physical expression work is unparalleled. 

Options For Class Dates and Times

After you purchase the course you will be prompted to select your preferred class day/time from the list below.

We cap our classes at 6-8 people max so that you receive personalized attention and hands on practice.

Weekly on your choice of:
- Thursdays at 6pm ET
- Fridays at 3pm ET
- Saturdays at 12 pm ET or
- Wild Card - contact me with your preference

Corporate Groups - contact me to arrange specifically for your company/team.

Course Modules

Together we build a practice



Lesson 1 - Stages of Preparation. Meet the Class

Lesson 2 - Benchmark Communication

Audience Analysis

Lesson 3 - Communicate with Diverse Audiences 

Lesson 4 - Understanding Core Values

Lesson 5 - Probing Questions and Listening

Content & Structure

Lesson 6 - Organizing Your Thoughts & Ideas + Resonant Content

Lesson 7 - Summary & Wrap Up + Prepare for Physical Expression

Physical Expression

Lesson 1 - Align the Physical.  The Elements of Presence + Postural Communication.

Rehearse, Present, Physical Practices

Lesson 2 - The Energy of Presence + Voice Part 1 - Get Yourself Heard 

Lesson 3 - Voice Part 2 - Vocal Dynamics

Lesson 4 -  Gestures/Movement/Facial Expression/Eye Contact 

Lesson 5 - Final Communication - Present using the skills you've acquired + Wrap Up

How are the Course Sessions Conducted

We build a practice together
What you will receive:

  • Each session offers you pre-recorded lessons that include models, principles, skills and concepts. These are to be reviewed prior to the live lessons of practice.
    You receive timed access to the pre-recorded lessons that are about 20 minutes in length.

  • The good news is that the Live Lessons are for Practice. Skills are best integrated when you practice them. We use your real-time communication for the exercises.

  • Non judgmental feedback is offered of what to do instead.

  • There is timed access to resources such as worksheet and exercises for you to use.

Things to Know Before You Enroll...

  • It is required that you are present at the Live Sessions with your camera on.

  • The Live Sessions are NOT recorded. This affords you the privacy to try out new skills and behaviors in a safe and supportive environment.

Pricing options

Explain how different pricing options might be valuable to different segments of your audience.

About Me

Martha Gelnaw

Hi there!

My name is Martha and I’m a communication coach based in New York City. Over my 20+ years coaching, I’ve found that I enjoy supporting people to get their messages and their voice heard – and acted upon. This way, they can make a contribution and enjoy their work with great comfort and ease.

Our work is to build trust in our understanding and to create confidence in our listener’s knowledge so that they will align and take right action. How we appeal to others and their values is crucial. It’s not transactional - it’s relational - relationships matter.

I offer coaching and courses that are well-suited to help leaders, emerging leaders, young professionals, students and women express themselves with a true and powerful presence aligned with their deepest values and desires.